Fort Western Stores is sponsoring a two-day Monty Bruce Cowhorse Clinic hosted at Double D Ranch in Ashland, Nebraska. Get ready to dirty up your western wear at the clinic, which will be held on May 14 & 15, 2011, and is open to riders of all experience levels. The Fort’s Equine Products Manager, Tyce Lilienthal, will be there riding alongside Monty Bruce.
The cost of the clinic is $250.00 per horse and rider. There is stall space available for a fee of $20.00 per stall, and spectators are welcome at the clinic with a $20.00 entrance fee. Stop by The Fort on your way out and Cowboy up!
If you are interested in registering for the clinic please contact Courtney at 507-456-0299 or courtney@montybruce.com. You may also register online.
Travel Directions:
I-80 Travelers: Take the Ashland/Mahoney State Park Exit – Go North on HWY 66 NW. You will go through Ashland and then continue on HWY 66 for approximately 6 1/2 miles, make sure to follow it around the curve, until you see the Double D sign.
HWY 6 Travelers: Go North on HWY 6 until you reach Ashland. Then continue North onHWY 66 for approximately 6 1/2 miles, make sure to follow it around the curve, until you see the Double D sign.
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